Laura Curran
PSS, Head of Learning and Development
Laura joined PSS in November 2017 as Head of Learning and Development. She previously lived overseas, working for the Foreign Office in learning and development (L&D). Passionate about learning, she believes that everyone should have the opportunity to progress. Technology, she says, can support learning- now more than ever – and she advocates taking the best bits from digital options to get the right blend.
PSS is a social enterprise that supports people to live happy, healthy and hopeful lives, whether they’re:
• adults who have learning or physical disabilities, challenges with their mental health or difficulties as they’re getting older;
• people in and around the criminal justice system; or
• families who’ve been through unsteady times.
No-matter who you are or where your life has taken you, we’ll listen, understand and find a way to help you reach your goals.
The learning and development team at PSS supports around 300 staff and 700 self-employed Shared Lives carers, to ensure they have learning that is fit for purpose at the point it’s needed.